Sunday, February 8, 2015

...Throwing Rocks

I wish I had te chance to have a true sibling but it wasn't in my cards clearly. My so called sister just can't leave things lying down. I've made changes in my life and because of some of my new goals and outlooks on life I figured let's start clean take everyone out of that blocked list (Facebook). That blew up in a weeks time. Not that I thought anything would come from it at all my sister messages me because she noticed she was off the list.... [ 1. How did you even notice I don't talk to you or say shit to you, 2. Why do you care & 3. At least your paying attention ]

Not cause I try to be nice when she asks "I noticed you unblocked me" my reply "because your my sister". Nothing but drama from there. I'm tired of her lies and excuses. I'm tired of her taking out her frustrations on me. I deserve better than her and I have it in Richard. 

Her words are hurtful and her fibs are
Outrageous! At least I have Beary to keep me calm. So here's it, a day of mourning, my sister is offically dead, Rest In Hell Bitch. Ima do me, kiss my ass drama queen. 

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