Sunday, September 28, 2014

I am alone at a crossroads

I don't know what to call this so I wont give it a name. I'm feeling very alone. Even with Barry around I'm alone. Its like that love stage is over before it even started. As soon as he told me he loved me I stopped feeling like he actually did. I don't know if it's true or just the new medication i'm on, but if it is the new medication they're clearly not working now are they. I just want even just one night of a romantic gesture I don't think that's to much to ask without having to ask. Instead I get ignored for a phone or a tablet, When i'm home alone and he gets off early he chooses going with the guys then doing something with me that night. Maybe I just need this to vent but I feel alone. As soon as i woke up this morning to i knew It was going to be a bad day for me. Then I think things are going to look up cause he sends me a message telling me he wanted to do something romantic next month and go see a show "book of mormon" something that's made by the retards who made south park is not romantic....I need to stop watching Disney movies, I guess love like that is unrealistic to real life situations.