Thursday, March 22, 2012

Judgement & My Life

So I got called some weirdo 'goth' girl today.
I really would like to start this off with i'm not your stereotype.
Please don't label me anything more than an individual.
I may like things that people who claim to be 'goth' like
but that doesn't make me one and I wont claim to be one.
I appreciate the culture and some clothing choices. not all but some.
Going from that I love serial killers, horror paraphernalia, & anything weird and unusual. 
I've always been weird and unusual my self. 
I was always picked on as a child for it but i've never really given a shit 
about what people think about me. 
Only makes me want to be more of an individual. ♥
I dress how I want, some days not even how I want to just what I have.
I get bored of things really easily & I really hate hypocrites.
My mother is a woman of many talents and is very smart, she'd
do anything for anyone because she's just kind hearted like that.
She get's treated like shit a lot and knows it and some times by the
people she spends the most time with which really pisses me off but it's her
battle to fight so I just keep my mouth shut which is big for me.
My father is a biker and a man of many talents as well.
He's a welder, a knitter, a painter, air brush artist, truck driver, guitarist and more.
My father is a great man of many wisdom's, he doesn't put up with bullshit.
He lives for Harley Davidson and his bike gang friends and family.
I've grown up my whole life surrounded by bikers but never really taken on
the style if there is one. I do love the leather jackets but i've never found one that
spoke to me to wear it. I go to bike shows constantly with my father and his
1st prize winning bike all over Canada and the States.
His bikes been a special feature in magazines, made offers from a few
very wealthy famous celebs and been guest honors at a few charity bike show events.
We always make a point to show up. He's always there for me.
I'm not here for anyone's judgement or to show off.
I like what I like it's a weird combination but i'm sure i'm not the only one
in the world who has the same passions as I do.
& i've grown as i've aged as I should, I want what I want and I like what I like.
I live how I want to, I love who I want to, & I do what I want to.
If you can't accept that then it's your loss not mine.
"If your going to do something, do it well, 
& leave something witchy, leave a sign to let the world know you were there.
Have a good day" - Charles Milles Manson

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