Monday, June 16, 2014


My sweet little niece (actually she's my second cousin) but i've been dubbed the auntie, Abigail was baptized yesterday. If you know me you know that i'm Agnostic and not a follower of the church by any means. I love this little peach with everything in my being so in light of all that I went. She was attached to my hip the whole ceremony. It was actually quite nice until the singing began. Church music is quite horrid. They put 3 hands of water on her head and said a bit of jib-jab and then her mother blew out a candle for her and she got to keep it. It wasn't to bad. Not that I would baptize my child but what ever. 

She's such a cutie and honestly she's one of my favorite people on earth and she can't even talk. She just lights up every time she see's me and I love it. She gives me hope for everything. 

On another note, I went to a belly dancing class with my friend Marjorie. I was so excited and yet nervous at the same time but it was actually really really fun! i'm going to join in on the next month of classes because this one ends next monday so there would be no point for me to just start now. I get a cool eszmerelda like belt to with shiny coins on it which is pretty cool beans to me.

My mother's also ready for me to have a baby now. I've been ready since as long as I can remember i'm great with kids and kids love me. I want the responsibility. So me and Barry are trying but not trying like if it happens it happens kind of deal. So not really planning it but just doing things.

Wish me luck!

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