Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Introspective Dreams

I've been more aware of my dreams lately.
I even brought out my old Dream Journal that tells you the meaning
of your dreams and breaks down for you the behind the scenes so to say
of whats going on in your life and how to deal with it in some sense.

So I had a dream I've never had before which isn't like me at all
I normally dream about the same few things since I was 14 or younger.

So I had a dream about War, Past Friends, Being A Mother & Breastfeeding, 
So here's what it says about my life right now.

To dream of a war signifies disorder and chaos in your waking life You are experiencing some internal conflict or emotional struggle which is tearing you up inside. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are either being overly aggressive or that you are not being assertive enough. Perhaps you need to be prepared to put up a fight in some area of your life. On a more direct level, the dream may be reflection of current wars around the world and your personal feelings about it.

To see friends from your past in your dream points to your desire to reconnect with a part of yourself that you have lost touch with. Perhaps it is time to pick up that old hobby or put a long hidden talent to use. A more direct interpretation of this dream may simply mean that you should look this friend up and reconnect with them. 

If you are not a mother in your waking life, but dream that you are a mother, then the dream is a metaphor that you need to show more of your nurturing and caring nature. You need to be more compassionate. Perhaps you are coming across as too indifferent. 

Breast Feeding
To dream that you are breast feeding or nursing symbolizes tenderness, love, nurturance, and motherly love. Good things will be at your grasp. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you need to be careful in who you confide in.
To see someone breastfeeding indicates that you are nurturing a hidden aspect of yourself. 

I don't entirely know what to make of everything but some things make
sense and some just don't stand out to me just yet but i'm sure they will in time.
The Breast Feeding one is the one that makes me wonder right now.
I've been thinking a lot about having a child, If I still wanted to have kids or not.
I thought this was interesting.
Any thoughts?

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